March 2019
Thank you for coming GroovyNight Vol2
GroovyNight Vol,.2 (2019.3.9)Hatsudai The Doors みなさまご来場どうもありがとうございました!
Tidal Touch (Live at GroovyNight Vol. 2)
Tidal TouchLive at GroovyNight Vol,.22019.3.9Hatsudai The Doors Once heard about the fullness of the tideThe phenomenon, not known worldwideI’ve heard of ladies, owns mood of the tideAnd gentlemen good to ride on her tide Some people jump out into an unknown worldSome people jump out to countries I’ve never heardMany colors, many voices, various sounds, movements and so many thingsMen take their hands for themselvesMen try to get selfish evidenceThen, he hurts girl, he hurts himselfDon’t affect nature for your…
Water Ripples (Live at GroovyNight Vol. 2)
Water RipplesLive at GroovyNight Vol.22019.3.9 / Hatsudai The Doors Ripples goYour legs above the water Ripples comeMy legs into the water Little finger, middle finger, ring fingerLittle finger, ring finger, middle fingerRing finger, middle finger, little finger Music and words by Jun Morimoto
Special Thanks to coming GroovyNight Vol.2!
初台Doorsで開催されたGroovyNight Volume 2 みなさまご来場ありがとうございました!
GroovyNight Volume 2 (9 March 2019)
2019.3.9 sat / open 18:00 / start 18:30Hatsudai the Doors, Tokyo 今回も初台DOORSでCRYMAxxxさんとツーマンです。おたのしみに!