Dig into the Gap
I dig into the gap in your insideIt’s always the sameThe more we work together, The stronger we will getThe contrast in our stances will also be made clear. Through all the different fieldwork.I know the difference in mentality.And physicality is different.So that’s why we’re dissidents. I can be sweet at heart.I can be gentle in my behavior.But that’s not enough for me to see all of your light. You always provide me a comfortable gap.A gap that allows me…
GroovyNight Volume 5のお知らせ
今年もGroovyNightを開催いたします! GroovyNight Volume 5初台Doors11 September 2021 昨年開催時に気づいた安全対策の改善点を念頭において、より十分な席間の確保、マスク着用、ソーシャルディスタンス、消毒、検温など、諸所対策をしっかり行った上で安全に楽しく進めていきたいと思います。 会場はいつもの初台Doorsです。みなさまのお越しをお待ちしています…… とはなかなか言い難いタイミングではありますが、できる限り安全に配慮した運営を心がけてまいります。どうぞよろしくお願いします。 16:30 Door OPEN – mion (DJ)17:15 SWILL.17:50 Sect Commune18:50 CRYMAxxx
Introduction (Live at GroovyNight Vol4)
Recorded live at GroovyNight Volume 4, Hatsudai Doors, 5 September 2020
Heart Supra (Live at GroovyNight Vol4)
Recorded live at GroovyNight Volume 4, Hatsudai Doors, 5 September 2020
‘Tangling’ now available on Audius
Listen our tracks via Audius, the brand new blockchain-based streaming music for free!
Our new track ‘Tangling’ has released 7 September 2019 Also available on #SoundCloudEnjoy! Heading to your placeFeel your face at your paceThinking of you, it’s precious for meHope it’s steady, neat and tidyYou love me dressing nicely on my bodyAnd the fear comes along with me She’s knitting, just waitingRed yarn and knitting needleShe’s waiting, just knittingTangled up in the loving lines She’s knitting, just waitingRed yarn and knitting needlesShe’s waiting, just knittingTangled up in the touched strings Until I…
Thanks for coming to GroovyNight Vol3!
Time to fire up GroovyNight Vol. 3!
初台 The Doorsステージにてセットアップ中です。
GroovyNight Volume 3 (7 September 2019)
今回で3回めを迎えますGroovyNightに、今度も出演いたします! 2019.9.7 SatHatsudai The DoorsOpen 16:30, Start 17:302,500JPY + 1 drink お誘い合わせのうえぜひどうぞ!Come Visit!
New album “Six Ambient Tracks” now available on Spotify, Apple Music, LINE Music!
新作 ‘Six Ambient Tracks’いよいよストリームメディアで配信開始です。 on Spotifyhttps://open.spotify.com/album/5Lrrk3TUOL9TQJ6fo7QWsU on Apple Musichttps://music.apple.com/jp/artist/sect-commune/486130726 on LINE Musichttps://music.line.me/artist/mi000000000c6c594f お楽しみください。 CDのご購入は東京未来音楽までどうぞ!http://www.future-music.co.jp/